Wednesday 1 February, 2012

What drives you?!

"What drives you?!". Well, This is not related to any transportation driving each other crazy, but its your mode/reason of inspiration is.
          We all get inspired by various things in life to do good and establish ourselves. We had late Mother Teresa inspired by the human sufferings which drove her to do social welfare and work for the betterment of the poor. We had Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam who wanted to get India on the world map with respect to space innovations and nuclear energy which made him work to achieving it.
We had Thomas Edison invent a bulb to give the world light, Graham Bell gave people the telephone so that people could stay connected. There are a numerous inspirational examples one can give.
        Time for a few contextual  examples. Long but really worth as the motive is to be understood.
Ferruccio Lamborghini- the founder or Lamborghini Cars, was into making tractors in Italy. He owned a Ferrari and had an issue with the car so went to Enzo Ferrari-the founder of Ferraris to tell him the problem. But when Enzo dismissed his complaint with something along the lines of, "What does a tractor maker know about super cars? Go back to your farm and leave the supercars to me," Lamborghini was insulted. He took his Ferrari home and fixed the problem himself using a tractor clutch, then took a long, hard look at the car's engine. When the government refused to grant him the helicopter license, he took his many millions of lira to the tiny town of Sant'Agata--not far from Ferrari's Maranello--and began to build himself a state-of-the-art auto factory, vowing to meet or beat Ferrari at his own game. He said if Ferrari cars are like horses, my cars will be like raging bulls. And the legacy started. Lamborghini cars are indeed the more aggressive ones than a Ferrari could be.

Late Steve Jobs.This great person was so frustrated about him being an adopted child made him the man he was. Just the feel of "not wanted" by his physical parents, aggravated him and he wanted to prove himself and establish on what the world would run on. He co-founded "Apple".

Mr. Mark Zuckerberg. This guy, is the youngest billionaire in the world. A Harvard drop out, dumped by his girlfriend made him what is today. Insulted by the breakup, this guy hacked into Harvard databases and showed them their loop holes.He made "Facebook". Facebook now has over 800 million users and increasing as i type.

The inference i would like to point out is the reason what drove each of these individuals was similar- " Insult and Vengeance". When one is insulted or humiliated, some of them take it badly and get depressed and believe that insult holds true and there is nothing that can be done about it.  Then there are those people who take the insult seriously and direct all their energy and mind to working on seeking vengeance the right way that they create/establish what the world hasn't seen before.

 We wouldn't have Facebook, Apple or Lamborghinis if it wasn't for the attitude of answering back their humiliations. What i would like to say is, if someone has insulted you or humiliated you, if someone treats you with inferiority,  instead of fighting,swearing to destroy , we should direct our anger, vengeance in a direction to showing our inner talent which will be appreciated.

      I remember one instance of mine, in a very small way though. I was weak at maths in 10th. Everybody expected me to get like a 90 plus but a 73 is what i managed. In 11th, i got horrible scores in weekly tests and was yelled at. That"s when i decided that no matter what i will prove my point. my maths score in 11th prelims was 150/150 & final exam was 148/150.
 Vengeance should be directed in the right way such that it does the world of good to you and it proves to your inner self that you can achieve what dreaded you before. Such achievements can't be measured as big or small, they are achievements! Achieving the impossible is what matters. Its about "what drives you?!"

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